Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thong Bao Dieu Tran City Westminster

THÔNG BÁO Kính gửi:
Quý vị lãnh đạo Tinh Thần
Quý Ban Đại Diện Cộng Đồng Việt Nam Nam California
Quý Tập Thể và Liên Hội Cựu Chiến Sĩ VNCH
Quý Hội Đoàn Cựu Quân Nhân và Ái Hữu
Quý Thân Hào, Nhân Sĩ và Đồng Hương
Quý cơ quan Truyền Thông

Trân trọng thông báo và kính mời quý vị vui lòng có mặt trong buổi điều trần tại Hội Đồng Thành Phố Westminster về việc tổ chức Diễn Hành Tết 2008

Lúc 7 giờ tối Thứ Tư
Ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2007
Tại số 8200 Westminster Blvd. Westminster, CA 92683

Sự phát biểu và hiện diện đông đảo của quý vị sẽ giúp cho các Nghị Viên Hội Đồng Thành Phố hiểu nguyện vọng và hoàn cảnh của Cộng Đồng chúng ta. Trên nguyên tắc, Hội Đồng Thành Phố Westminster đã chấp thuận cho chúng ta tổ chức Diễn Hành Tết Nguyên Đán Mậu Tý 2008 trên đường Bolsa với con số phí tổn trên dưới 40 ngàn mỹ kim là số chi phí lớn nhất từ trước tới nay so với những năm trước chỉ phải đóng cho Thành Phố 22 ngàn mỹ kim các phí khoản.

Ban Tổ Chức Diễn Hành Tết sẽ yêu cầu thành phố bãi miễn hoặc giảm lệ phí diễn hành để giảm thiểu tối đa các chi phí tổ chức. Vì vậy, Ban Tổ Chức chúng tôi ước mong Quý Vị sẽ cùng chúng tôi lên tiếng trong buổi điều trần để yêu cầu Thành Phố Westminster thông cảm và giảm thiểu các lệ phí tổ chức Diễn Hành Tết sao cho hai bên Thành Phố và Cộng Đồng đều có lợi. Vì việc tổ chức Diễn Hành Tết ngoài việc sẽ đem lại niềm vui cho mọi người, mọi sắc tộc, còn là cơ hội để Cộng Đồng Việt Nam chúng ta giới thiệu sắc thái văn hoá Việt Nam đến các cộng đồng sắc dân khác đang sinh sống tại Hoa Kỳ và giúp phát triển kinh tế cùng thu hút lợi tức du khách cho Thành Phố.Vì những lý do đó, chúng tôi ước mong được Quý Vị hiện diện đông đảo và hưởng ứng ghi danh phát biểu ý kiến xây dựng với Hội Đồng Thành Phố để những lợi ích chính đáng của Cộng Đồng chúng ta và của Thành Phố được thành tựu.Sau buổi điều trần thành công, Ủy Ban Tổ Chức Diễn Hành tết 2008 chúng tôi sẽ có dủ dữ kiện cần thiết để thỉnh mời Quý Vị tham gia vào Ban Tổ Chức và mở họp báo để thỉnh ý và công bố minh bạch đường hướng tổ chức Diễn Hành Tết 2008 theo dúng nguyện vọng của Đồng Hương. Trân trọng thông báo và kính mời./-

Little Saigon ngày 26 tháng 11 năm 2008


Nguyễn Phương Hùng

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ban Tin So 1

Ban tổ chức diễn hành Tết họp với hội đồng thành phố Westminster
Tin Westminster - Phiên họp đầu tiên giữa Ban tổ chức diễn hành Tết và hội đồng thành phố Westminster đã chính thức bắt đầu lúc 11 giờ trưa thứ Tư, ngày 7 tháng 11, 2007.
Phía hội đồng thành phố gồm có ông giám đốc Phục vụ cộng đồng Greg Johnson, bà Pam Gremlins, trưởng phòng công tác, cảnh sát Westminster, uỷ ban dịch vụ công cộng Westminster và nhân viên cứu hoả. Ban tổ chức diễn hành Tết gồm các ông Nguyễn Xuân Tùng, Andy Trần, Nguyễn Ngọc Cang, Nguyễn Phương Hùng và bà Huỳnh thị Ngọc.
Mở đầu với tư cách là người đứng đơn xin diễn hành ông Nguyễn Phương Hùng đã trình bày chương trình Diễn hành Tết Nguyên Đán. Ông Hùng nói: "Là người tổ chức thành công về 2 phương diện tinh thần và tài chánh năm 2002 và 2003, tôi xin phép được trình bày sơ lược về chương trình chuẩn bị cho diễn hành năm 2008."
Theo ông Hùng, 3 năm qua công đồng Việt Nam không có diễn hành Tết. Trở về từ Las Vegas ông nhận được nhiều điện thoại của các viên chức trong chính quyền lẫn cộng đồng Việt Nam khuyến khích. Nên ông quyết định nộp đơn xin tổ chức Diễn hành Tết Nguyên Đán năm 2008.
Sau phần thảo luận sôi nổi cuối cùng thành phố đã đồng ý ngày giờ, điạ điểm và lộ trình diễn hành. Tuy nhiên số tiền chi phí năm nay theo sự đòi hỏi của thành phố lên đến 36 ngàn mỹ kim. Chưa kể tiền bảo hiểm, thuê mướn âm thanh, sân khấu, xe cứu thương và những chi phí khác.
Diễn hành Tết dự trù vào thứ Bảy 9 tháng 2, 2008 nhằm ngày 3 Tết Âm Lịch Mậu Tý. Chương trình sẽ bắt đầu đúng 10 giờ và chấm dứt lúc 12 giờ. Sẽ có múa Lân và đốt pháo trước giờ khai mạc. Ban tổ chức qua lời Tổng Thư Ký Nguyễn Phương Hùng năm nay sẽ có sự tham gia đông đảo của rất nhiều cơ sở thương mại.

Ban to^? chu+'c die^~n ha`nh Te^'t ho.p vo+'i ho^.i ddo^`ng tha`nh pho^' Westminster

Tin Westminster - Phie^n ho.p dda^`u tie^n giu+~a Ban to^? chu+'c die^~n ha`nh Te^'t va` ho^.i ddo^`ng tha`nh pho^' Westminster dda~ chi'nh thu+'c ba('t dda^`u lu'c 11 gio+` tru+a thu+' Tu+, nga`y 7 tha'ng 11, 2007\.
Phi'a ho^.i ddo^`ng tha`nh pho^' go^`m co' o^ng gia'm ddo^'c Phu.c vu. co^.ng ddo^`ng Greg Johnson, ba` Pam Gremlins, tru+o+?ng pho`ng co^ng ta'c, ca?nh sa't Westminster, uy? ban vu. co^ng co^.ng Westminster va` nha^n vie^n cu+'u hoa?\. Ban to^? chu+'c die^~n ha`nh Te^'t go^`m ca'c o^ng Nguye^~n Xua^n Tu`ng, Andy Tra^`n, Nguye^~n Ngo.c Cang, Nguye^~n Phu+o+ng Hu`ng va` ba` Huy`nh thi. Ngo.c\.
Mo+? dda^`u vo+'i tu+ ca'ch la` ngu+o+`i ddu+'ng ddo+n xin die^~n ha`nh o^ng Nguye^~n Phu+o+ng Hu`ng dda~ tri`nh ba`y chu+o+ng tri`nh Die^~n ha`nh Te^'t Nguye^n DDa'n\. O^ng Hu`ng no'i: "La` ngu+o+`i to^? chu+'c tha`nh co^ng ve^` 2 phu+o+ng die^.n tinh tha^`n va` ta`i cha'nh na(m 2002 va` 2003, to^i xin phe'p ddu+o+.c tri`nh ba`y so+ lu+o+.c ve^` chu+o+ng tri`nh chua^?n bi. cho die^~n ha`nh na(m 2008."
Theo o^ng Hu`ng, 3 na(m qua co^ng ddo^`ng Vie^.t Nam kho^ng co' die^~n ha`nh Te^'t\. Tro+? ve^` tu+` Las Vegas o^ng nha^.n ddu+o+.c nhie^`u ddie^.n thoa.i cu?a ca'c vie^n chu+'c trong chi'nh quye^`n la^~n co^.ng ddo^`ng Vie^.t Nam khuye^'n khi'ch\. Ne^n o^ng quye^'t ddi.nh no^.p ddo+n xin to^? chu+'c Die^~n ha`nh Te^'t Nguye^n DDa'n na(m 2008\.
Sau pha^`n tha?o lua^.n so^i no^?i cuo^'i cu`ng tha`nh pho^' dda~ ddo^`ng y' nga`y gio+`, ddia. ddie^?m va` lo^. tri`nh die^~n ha`nh\. Tuy nhie^n so^' tie^`n chi phi' na(m nay theo su+. ddo`i ho?i cu?a tha`nh pho^' le^n dde^'n 36 nga`n my~ kim\. Chu+a ke^? tie^`n ba?o hie^?m, thue^ mu+o+'n a^m thanh, sa^n kha^'u, xe cu+'u thu+o+ng va` nhu+~ng chi phi' kha'c\.
Die^~n ha`nh Te^'t du+. tru` va`o thu+' Ba?y 9 tha'ng 2, 2008 nha(`m nga`y 3 Te^'t A^m Ma^.u Ty'\. Chu+o+ng tri`nh se~ ba('t dda^`u ddu'ng 10 gio+` va` cha^'m du+'t lu'c 12 gio+`\. Se~ co' mu'a La^n va` ddo^'t pha'o tru+o+'c gio+` khai ma.c\. Ban to^? chu+'c qua lo+`i To^?ng Thu+ Ky' Nguye^~n Phu+o+ng Hu`ng na(m nay se~ co' su+. tham gia ddo^ng dda?o cu?a ra^'t nhie^`u co+ so+? thu+o+ng ma.i\.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tet Parade on Orange County Register

Organizers want to revive TET parade
Little Saigon tradition vanished three years ago after parade organizers ran out of money.
WESTMINSTER – Organizers are trying to bring the Tet Parade back to Little Saigon in time for the Vietnamese New Year celebrations in February.
The parade, which added color and vivaciousness to the annual celebration, ran out of steam and money in 2004, about 22 years after the tradition began in the local Vietnamese American community.
Now, Hung Phuong Nguyen, a Vietnam War veteran, is trying to bring back that tradition. He is meeting with city officials to firm up the parade route and other details for the parade, which he envisions with 30 floats, all funded by local businesses and some corporate donors.
“It’s something that not only Vietnamese people enjoy, but everybody enjoys,” Nguyen said.
Tet is the annual celebration that marks the beginning of the lunar calendar. Next year will be the Year of the Rat.
Nguyen organized the parade in 2002 and 2003. In 2004, he moved to Las Vegas for a few years. Janet Nguyen took over the parade in 2004, but it ran at a loss and she ended up owing $7,000 to the city of Westminster.
Mayor Margie Rice said Janet Nguyen – a former Garden Grove councilwoman who is now a county supervisor -- paid back that money some time last year.
Rice said the city is in no position to fund such a parade, but would support it and encourage residents to participate.
“We don’t even have money to put up a Founder’s Day Parade in this city, let alone a Tet Parade,” she said.
Janet Nguyen said she tried to make the parade “as apolitical as possible” in 2004.
“I wanted it to be a cultural experience for everyone in Orange County rather than an anti-Communist rally,” she said. “The Tet Parade was always political because a lot of people in the community wanted to dictate who should or shouldn’t be in the parade.”
Hung Nguyen said he and other organizers this year want to have the parade in Westminster on Bolsa Avenue between Magnolia and Bushard streets – in the heart of Little Saigon.
The Union of Vietnamese Student Associations usually holds their weekend-long Tet celebrations in Garden Grove Park.
Bao Mai, one of the Tet festival organizers, said the parade was widely enjoyed by the community and worked hand in hand with the festival. Invitees from the festival have participated in the parade in past years and organizers usually made room on the festival grounds to showcase some of the parade floats, Mai said.
“It adds more color to the celebrations,” he said.
The parade is expected to cost more than $25,000, including money for police, street closures and permit fees, which Nguyen hopes the city will waive.
Nguyen said he is organizing several fundraisers in the coming weeks.
“We’ll make it an event the city will be proud of,” he said. “It’s part of a wonderful tradition.”
Contact the writer: 714-445-6685 or

Veterans' Day Message

Veterans' Day Message 11/11/2007

Gratitude for your sacrifice

On this Veterans’ Day, 2007, you, the veterans of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Viet-Nam, will receive much deserved praise and appreciation from your family, your community, and your American allies. Of course we know that there can never be enough praise for the sacrifices and heroism each of you has displayed on and off the battlefield. However, you must know that a very special group of people wishes to pay tribute to you. We know that the praise you respect most comes from fellow warriors. So, I humbly ask that you allow me, a United States Air Force veteran, and the proud son of an ARVN infantryman, to share some thoughts with you on what you mean to us Vietnamese-American service-members.

Legacy & Honor

I cannot claim to speak on behalf of all Vietnamese-Americans who have served in the United States armed forces. In fact, it is difficult to even get an accurate count of the hundreds of Vietnamese in uniform who are serving or have served in the armed forces of the United States and other democratic Western nations. However, I can give you an idea of what kind of legacy you have created. We range in rank from Private to Colonel, and will have our first Vietnamese-American general one day very soon. At this very moment, many of your sons and daughters are fighting extremists in the streets of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan. In fact, eight young Vietnamese-Americans have given the ultimate sacrifice since the Global War on Terror began. There are young Vietnamese-Americans flying jet fighters high above the earth, commanding ships in every ocean, rebuilding foreign armies and poor villages in devastated lands, and leading young Americans into combat. We all share a singular purpose: to protect the freedoms enjoyed by Americans everywhere. We know that many of you feel that history has robbed us of the chance to defend a democratic Vietnam. We also know that many others would not even want us to face the suffering of war at all.

However, we want you to know that we are all very proud of your legacy. Like you, we are patriots. Like you, we have answered the call of destiny. Our success today is a direct result of your actions. Your valor in combat, your suffering in re-education camps, and your leadership in guiding your family to opportunities in a foreign land have shown us the true evil of war and the truer value of freedom. You must know that though we defend the flag, wear the uniform, and wield the weapons of the United States, we carry in our hearts a Vietnamese warrior heritage that stretches back for four thousand years.
Your honor is in good hands.

History & Destiny

History has judged you harshly. Yet whatever critics say of Vietnamese politics, they must know the fundamental truth that a soldier’s dignity is beyond politics. I am fortunate enough to know the truth because my late father, Đinh Văn Nguyên, worked tirelessly through the Tổng Hội Võ Bị Đà Lạt, to teach me and the world about your courage. Now the tides of history are turning in your favor. The creation of an exhibit in the US Army Museum, a renewed look at history by a new generation of Vietnamese-American and American scholars, the sweeping momentum of liberal democracies around the world, and the stirrings of change in Vietnam itself will all serve to vindicate your legacy. Most importantly, the lessons your children and their descendants will pass on to future generations will preserve the truth of your great deeds. We will explore future initiatives such as burials with ARVN military honors, accountability for those missing in action, dignified memorials for ARVN sacrifices, oral histories, museum projects, and other ways to begin a meaningful process of reconciliation. We shall continue the fight for the values you hold dear.

There have been many years of sorrow and anger. But I ask you now, các bác, các chú, các anh, to stand tall and be proud. We thank you as your sons and daughters. We thank you as citizens of a free society. And most importantly, we honor you as fellow warriors.
Rest easy tired soldiers—today is your day.
We salute you.
You are our Greatest Generation and we will never let the world forget it.

Thanh “Tino” N.
Đinh Tino (;
USAF Academy graduate-1999,
former Captain, US Air Force,
Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Saturday, October 27, 2007




The Largest Vietnamese New Year (Tết) Parade in Town

Đoàn Kết & Thịnh Vượng



FROM 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM

On Bolsa Avenue, between Magnolia and Bushard


Lunar New Year is very common holiday in the world. Two-Thousand-Eight (2008) marks the Year of the RAT on the Celestial Calendar, as well as the Annual TET Parade (TET means Lunar New Year in Vietnamese). This year the Annual TET Parade also marks the coming back after 3 years of interruption. So the community is very aggressive to have a parade again. Based on the previous years, this year TET Parade expects a participation of 6 counties (Orange, Los Angeles, Pomona, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego); featuring over 100 organizations will take part in the parade and attend the event. Southern California remains home of the largest population of Vietnamese outside of Vietnam. In past year, over 50,000 spectators attended the parade. This year, we anticipate an even larger crowd of attendees than ever before.

We will hold the parade in the Central of Little Saigon, the spiritual capital of Vietnamese immigrants in the world, in the city of Westminster, which remains the central area of commerce for Vietnamese-Americans and all those interested in Vietnamese culture. Since, 1996, Westminster earned its distinction as the only city west of the Rocky Mountain to receive the highly coveted title of “All American City” status through collaborative community projects such as this parade.

The parade will take place on Saturday, February 9, 2008 from 9 AM to 1:00 PM. This year, the parade theme is:

“Unity & Prosperity”


v To promote and preserve a better understanding of Vietnamese-American Heritage and Culture.

v To achieve Harmony and Unity by collaborating with numerous and unique local & community based organizations.

v To share the rich Cultural Diversity, while introducing the many variety of Products and Services available to our vibrant multicultural communities.



Over 50,000 spectators expected

TET Parade Foundation

8732 Westminster Blvd. #8, Westminster, CA 92683

Fax: (714) 839-0729



Contacts: (714) 270-4515 – (714) 469-0462 – (714) 721-9603 – (714) 782-2902


Monetary Contribution $10,000.00

Ø Reserve a space for company’s float (Sponsor is responsible for providing float)

Ø One 3’ x 10’ Marching Banner will be carried during the parade

Ø One 3’ x 8’ banner will be displayed at designated area

Ø Company’s Name or Logo on the Special Commemorative TET Parade Video Tape

Ø One Full Color Page Advertisement, placed inside the Special Commemorative TET Parade Magazine

(Sponsor will provide color separation, proof & camera-ready material on or before January 1st, 2008)

Ø Receive 50 Special Commemorative TET Parade 2008 T-shirts

Ø Special Announcement on local and international media (Radio, Television, Newspapers, Internet etc…etc)

Ø Special Announcement before, during and after the TET Parade

Ø Receive Appreciation Plaque (will be presented at Awards Banquet)


Monetary Contribution $5,000.00

Ø Reserve a space for company’s float (Sponsor is responsible for providing float)

Ø One 3’ x 8’ banner will be displayed at designated area

Ø Company’s Name or Logo on the Special Commemorative TET Parade Video Tape

Ø One Full Color Page Advertisement, placed inside the Special Commemorative TET Parade Magazine

(Sponsor will provide color separation, proof & camera-ready material on or before January 1st, 2008)

Ø Special Announcement on local and international media (Radio, Television, Newspapers, Internet etc…etc)

Ø Special Announcement before, during and after the TET Parade

Ø Receive Appreciation Plaque (will be presented at Awards Banquet)


Monetary Contribution $3,000.00

Ø One 3’ x 8’ banner will be displayed at designated area

Ø Company’s Name or Logo on the Special Commemorative TET Parade Video Tape

Ø One Full Black & White Page Advertisement, placed inside the Special Commemorative TET Parade Magazine (Sponsor will provide color separation, proof & camera-ready material on or before January 1st, 2008)

Ø Special Announcement on local and international media (Radio, Television, Newspapers, Internet etc…etc)

Ø Special Announcement before, during and after the TET Parade

Ø Receive Appreciation Plaque (will be presented at Awards Banquet)


Monetary Contribution $2,000.00

Ø One 3’ x 8’ banner will be displayed at designated area

Ø Company’s Name or Logo on the Special Commemorative TET Parade Video Tape

Ø One Half Black & White Page Advertisement, placed inside the Special Commemorative TET Parade Magazine (Sponsor will provide color separation, proof & camera-ready material on or before January 1st, 2008)

Ø Special Announcement on local and international media (Radio, Television, Newspapers, Internet etc…etc)

Ø Special Announcement before, during and after the TET Parade

Ø Receive Appreciation Plaque (will be presented at Awards Banquet)


Name of Organization: ________________________________________________________________________

Type of Business: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person: __________________________________ Title: _______________________________________

Business Phone: __________________ Fax: ________________ E-Mail: ________________________________

Status of Organization(s): ( ) Community ( ) Youth ( ) Religious ( ) Corporation/Municipal ( ) Non-Profit


 Automobile (Convertible only) $2,000.00 per vehicle

 Float $1,000.00 per float

Entry fee is applied to the following categories only:

Non-Profit: $200.00 Small Business $300.00 Corporation: $500

 Marching Band

 Marching Group

 Dancing Group

 Drill Team

 Color Guards

 Small Business



Number of Participant(s) ___________________________ Number of Vehicle(s) ________________________

Note: Please provide a short introduction of your organization or company

Check Payable to: Tet Parade Foundation Payment enclosed: $____________________

The participant(s) in the “Tet Parade 2008” at all times shall relieve, indemnify, protect and save parade committee, officers, agents and employees harmless from any and all claims and demands, actions, proceedings, losses, liens, cost, judgments, civil fines and penalties of any nature in regard to or resulting from the “Tet Parade 2008”, including, but no limit to expenses incurred in legal actions, death, injury or damage that may caused directly or indirectly by: (1) any operation conducted by the “Tet Parade 2008” committee, (2) any failure by parade committee, its agents, employees, invitees, licenses of failure by the “Tet Parade 2008” committee to comply or secure compliance with any term or conditions set by the City of Westminster, and unsafe of defective conditions in or on the City of Westminster property while being utilized by the parade committee, officers, agents and employees. Security arrangements for entries are the sole responsibility of the participants. The parade committee, officers, agents and employees are not responsible or liable for your float entry at any time.

Name of Organization: _________________________________________________________________________________

Authorized Signature: ________________________________ Title: _________________________ Date: ______________

For Official Use Only:

Approved by: _________________________ Date: _____________ Amount received: $_____________ Cash/Check#: ____

Advertising Rates

Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Type of Business: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Person to Contact: __________________________________ Title: _____________________________________

Business Phone: __________________ Fax: ________________ E-Mail: ________________________________

Federal Employer I.D. # _________________ Sales Tax # _______________ SSN: ________________________

Status of Business: ( ) Corporation ( ) Small Business ( ) Religious ( ) Non-Profit Organization ( ) Individual

*Note: Non-profit Organization 25% discount

Special Issue Program

Size: 8-1/2” x 11” Black & White:

 Business Card size: $100.00

 One-fourth page: $200.00

 Half-page: $300.00

 Full-page: $500.00

Size: 8-1/2” x 11” Premium (Full Color)

 Outside Back Cover: $2,000.00

 Inside Front Cover: $1,500.00

 Inside Back Cover: $1,000.00

 Inside Full Page: $700.00


Size: 3” x 8”:

Marching Banner: $300.00 Display Banner: Stage $3,000.00 Visible display area: $1,000.00

Check Payable to: Tet Parade Foundation Payment enclosed: $____________________

Applicant’s Authorized Signature: ______________________ Title: ____________________ Date: ___________

For Official Use Only:

Approved by: _________________________ Date: _____________ Amount received: $_____________ Cash/Check#: ____


In past years, the TET PARADE drew over 50,000 spectators. Our event attracted Vietnamese-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, local residents and a multitude of tourists from all over California, the country, and the rest of the world as well.

Past Honorary Guests

· U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, 45th Congressional District

· U.S. Congressman Ed Royce, 40th Congressional District

· U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, 46th Congressional District

· (Former) U.S Congressman Christopher Cox

· California Senator Lou Correa, Santa Ana, 34th District

· (Former) State Senator Joseph Dunn, 34th District

· State Assemblyman Van Tran, Garden Grove, 68th District

· (Former) State Assemblyman Ken Maddox, Garden Grove, 68th District

· (Former) State Assemblyman Jim Morrissey, Santa Ana, 69th District

· (Former) State Assemblyman Scott Baugh, Huntington Beach, 67th District

County of Orange

· Supervisor Janet Nguyen, Chairman of the Board, 1st District

· (Former) Supervisor Charles V. Smith, 1st District

· District Attorney Tony Rackauckas

City of Westminster

· Lady Mayor Margie L. Rice

· Council members: Frank G. Fry, Kermit D. Marsh, Andy Quach,

· (Former) Council members: Tony Lam, Russell C. Paris (Decreased)


City of Garden Grove

· Mayor William Dalton

· Council members: Mark Rosen, Bruce Broadwater,

· (Former) Council members Mark Leyes

City of Santa Ana

· Mayor Miguel Pulido

· Council members: Michelle Martinez, Claudia Alverez

· (Former) Council member: Brett Franklin

Special Guest

· Professor Việt Đinh

· Mina Nguyễn

· Leyna Nguyễn


· The Vietnamese Community of Southern California

· Vietnamese Community of Orange County

· Vietnamese Communities of Los Angeles, Pomona, Riverside, San Bernardino

· League of Woman’s Voters of Orange County

· Midway City Sanitary District

· Westminster Cultural Arts Association

Past Participating Associations & Companies

· US Marine Corps, Canadian & Vietnamese Color Guards

· Coalition of the Republic of Viet Nam Veteran Associations in Southern California

· Grand Marshals: Capt. Bob Pettee of NBC, Channel 4 (Vietnam Veteran), Mayor Margie L. Rice, Councilman Tony Lam, Van Tran, Nguyen Hien

· National Teacher of the Year

· Westminster Police Department

· Orange County Fire Authority

· Garden Grove Police Department & Fire Department

· Project S.H.U.E Ms. Betty Goyne, Citizen of Year of 1995

· Boys & Girls Clubs of Westminster

· Coronet Drill Team

· Knights of Columbus Council #3926

· Itzamna Folklorico Dancers

· La Quinta High School Marching Band

· Bolsa Grande High School Marching Band

· Westminster High School Marching Band

· Santiago High School Marching Band

· Santiago High School TAB Drill Team

· Stacey Intermediate High School Marching Band

· Nicholson & Pipes (Scotch) Marching Band

· Quang Trung Lion Dance Group

· Thang Long Lion Dance Group

· Hoa Hao Buddhist Group

· Cao Dai fellowship

· Buddhist Family of Bat Nha Temple

· Buddhist Family of Hue Quang Temple

· St. Callistus Catholic Church

· St. Barbara Catholic Church

· SVSQ/ĐH/CTCT/ ĐL Veteran Group

· Long Hổ Hội Dragon Dance Group

· Bat Nha Lion Dance Group

· Cao Dai Youth Association of Southern California

· Union of Students of Southern California Association

· Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang

· Dai Viet Quoc Dan Dang

· The fellowship of Tay Son Binh Dinh

· Westminster Municipal Employees Association

· Council of Asian Pacific Americans

· Association of Vietnamese Buddhist Laymen in US

· Former Political Prisoners Association of LA

· Historical Society of Westminster

· Vietnamese Catholic Youth of Orange County

· Union of Students, UC Riverside

· Quang Ngai Fellowship

· Nang Moi Youth Association

· Asian Miracle Marrow Matches

· Vietnamese American Women-For-Freedom Association

· Cambodian Education Program

· Vietnamese Language Center

· Vietnamese Volunteer Women Association

· Tuoi Hoa Family Association

· Lac Viet Association

· Hong Bang Association

· Cac Trung Tam Viet Ngu

· National Vietnamese Youth, Oversea

· Tai Chi Chuan & Yoga Association

· Family Choice Health Network

· Lan Huong Children Dental

· Youth Beauty Queenttes

· Giang Ngoc Productions

· Seafood World Restaurant

· Ice Palace Float & Ice Skaters

· Trịnh Quang Linh studio

· Former ARVN Special Commandoes

Marketing Coverage:

More than 500,000 Vietnamese-American live in the County of Orange and neighborhood counties. During the Vietnamese TET PARADE, this number multiplies as family members from all over the world as well as the United States of America converge on our Little Saigon area to enjoy the festivities and great fun for everyone. This multi-ethnic event is expected to bring in many non-Vietnamese Americans as well.

Besides demonstrating a strong commitment to the community, your company will have an opportunity to market your products and services to more than 250,000 Vietnamese-Americans, Latino-Americans, Korean-Americans and Native Americans from 5 counties and the world through the Internet and International TV Media.


As the largest Vietnamese American cultural event in the United States, the TET PARADE receives intense media coverage, including being televised on Bravo, LA18TV, KXLA 44, Little Saigon TV, Saigon TV, VIETVUSA, VOCTV, VHNTV, SBTN, DirecTV, Cox Cable, Little Saigon Radio, Viet Nam Oversea radio, Radio Bolsa, VNCR, VOV radio, Viet Radio, VOCR, Dien Dan Chong Cong, Orange County Register, Los Angeles Times, Nguoi Viet Daily News, Viet Bao Daily news, Vien Dong daily news, and many more local news agencies. Especially, this year the TET PARADE will be aired on the both live coverage radios and televisions by many local, national and international stations.

Past Sponsors:

In the past, many big corporations, small business owners, private and public agencies, have proudly supported the TET PARADE, such as: The City of Westminster, Disneyland, Southern California Gas Company, Pacific Bell, El More Toyota, Crevier BMW, Sunset Ford, League of Women Voters in OC, Midway City Sanitary District, Little Saigon Merchants Association, Westminster Municipal Employees Association, Westminster Chamber of Commerce, Orange County Chamber of Commerce, Vietnamese Community of Southern California, Cao Dai Association, Cao Dao Youth Association of Southern California, Westminster Press, Seafood Restaurant, Paracel Restaurant, Seafood Palace Restaurant, Thanh My Restaurant, Mary Urashima & Associates, Giang Ngoc Production, Nuoc Mia Vien Tay, Song Long Bakery, Lee’s Sandwiches, Bridgecreek Development Corp., Pham Dang Long Co, MD & Medical Center, Family Choice Health Networks, ATT Realty & Financial Services, Law Office of Tran Thai Van, Law office of John Le Phong, Tan Mai Supermarket, Little Saigon Markets, Banh cuon Tay Ho, Thien Hong Seafood & Markets, Terry Denise Associates, Members of Moanalua Garden Foundation (Hawaii), Rose Hills Company, Westminster Memorial Park, Westminster HS Alumni Association, Law office of Nguyen Duy Quoc Anh, Law office of Nguyen Quoc Lan, and there are many more. Please call our office if we are missing your name, your company name will be printed on Special Issue of TET PARADE 2008 magazine. We are planning to publish 10,000 copies, so we are looking for your support on our Special Publication.

TET Parade Foundation

8732 Westminster Blvd. #8, Westminster, CA 92683

Fax: (714) 839-0729



Contacts: (714) 270-4515 – (714) 469-0462 – (714) 721-9603 – (714) 782-2902

Diễn Hành Tết Bính Thân 2016

Tết ở Little Saigon “quá là vui luôn!” Ngọc Lan, thông tín viên RFA 2016-02-14 Tết của người Việt tại Little Saigon có đủ cây nêu,...